Tonight, friends and I will be braving witch-tit weather to go see bands play tribute to David Bowie.
One morning last month while listening to npr before I dragged myself out of bed, I heard the news: David Bowie dies at the age of 69. I gasped. It was such a shock, who knew he could ever die?? The 3rd cassette tape I'd ever bought (that's right, I said cassette tape) was his Never Let Me Down album. I traded it in for the cd later. Of course, since I only had three tapes at the time, it was in constant rotation. Loved Day In Day Out, Too Dizzy... Glass Spider was an acquired taste for me but good all the same. I don't have all of his music, not even close, but his music has consistently been in my life at least since that album. I've seen him perform with Trent Reznor and while not a huge fan of Reznor it was an absolute treat to see the Bowie! Now aside from the fact that he was an absolutely cool hottie, his music was just so good...I'm Deranged (from David Lynch's movie Lost Highway), Shake It (I often find myself singing that one on the way to work), China Girl, Fame, Criminal World, Jump... and so many more that I don't know! Karaoke nights out with friends would nearly always have a Bowie song in our mix. My go-to favourite is Young American and last year I sang Let's Dance at a divey karaoke bar in Berlin. There were maybe 10 people there including my friend and me, the rest looked like high school kids... a couple of whom helped me figure out how to get my song in the queue. A few days after Bowie's death, Mr. Tat showed me a video of two of my all time favourites singing one of my favourite songs: David Bowie and Pink Floyd singing Comfortably Numb, that's when the tears flowed. I surprised myself. Never did I ever expect to cry over a celebrity, Sa-weet Jaysus what was wrong with me! I've come to accept this mourning of a person I've only known through his music. Maybe because music in general is such a great part of life and his music in particular has been ever present in my life...since that cassette tape. Comments are closed.
December 2024