At first there was a lot of "talking" amongst them and then they began takeoff. This was the 2nd group to fly.
I believe NO is one of the hardest words for many people to say but also one of the most powerful in our vocabulary. So my challenge to myself:
1...When I feel a 'Yes' coming on when I really want to say 'No', say no and mean it...don't think of excuses to say yes. 2...Battle the temptation to change my mind. 3...Live with the consequences of saying No. 4...Put this into practice with the hardest person(s) for me to say no to. Family is usually the hardest since they tend to know me best AND I don't want to disappoint them or let them down but it could be bestie, boss, stranger. Suddenly you were not here anymore. Yesterday, fine. Today, a hole has been punched into the lives of the people who knew you, into OUR shared spaces.
Today I am taught, if I didn't know it before, that Certainty is a luxury. Every day we take our chances that we will live to see the end of it but there are never any guarantees. So maybe I try to hold those left in my life a little closer, appreciate them more and let them know it. I didn't know you as well as I could have but am glad I saw a glimmer of the smart, funny, strong, persistent person you were.
Your life wasn't easy by any measure but you made others feel good. You are loved and your presence in our lives will definitely be missed. |
December 2024